Pretty Property France |

Pretty Property France - Pretty Property France, The Villas in fisrt line. Welcome to the website of Pretty-property-france real estate agency. Our managers have a big experience in French agency activity. They know very well the needs of Russian clients and they are able to provide them European level services offering convenient and attractive conditions. We do not let you waste time, energies and money in searching of real estate affairs to rent or sell. Our experts will help you to estimate correctly properties - houses, apartments or villas 128147 to sell from Monaco to Saint Tropez including Cap Ferrat, Antibes, Cap d128153Antibes, Mougins, Nice, Cannes, Cote d128153Azur and more generally French Riviera and Southern France. You will sign the contract directly with the owner of the property on sale and you will not overpay. Your criterias will be our own criterias. We will give you our best, operating individual searches of a house, a flat, an apartment, a villa or a plot of land. Everything will be done and treat in a very transparent way without hiding information and providing you all the sufficient elements to let you make the best choice in estimating the sale and rent of properties considering the actual market standards. Are you dreaming of having an apartment in the centre of Nice Or a waterfront luxury villa Nothing is impossible. Above all with our help We can also organize all the operations of transaction to complete your business deal. The transaction will be managed in Russian and English languages. Further, if it is necessary, our agency will be able to help you to take care of your property, to pay bills and taxes and to look after the garden and the pool and, upon request, to lease your property. su - Ottieni Subito il tuo Negozio su Facebook Gratuito con Ecommerce Gratis per la tua attivit di negozio, professionista o aziendaUna Calabrese in Cucina, Ricettina Ricette Ricettina Facile Facile - Scopri tutti gli ingredienti e i consigli utili per preparare le migliori ricette di ricettina facile facile., Ricettina Ricette Ricettina Facile Facile - Scopri tutti gli ingredienti e i consigli utili per preparare le migliori ricette di ricettina facile facile. ricettina, ricettina veloce e sfiziosa, ricettina veloce per cena, ricetta strozzapreti alla boscaiola, ricettina sfiziosa, ricettina light, ricettina blog, ricettina veloce, ricettine anticrisi e non solo, ricette antipasti, ricettina blogspot, ricette bimbi, ricette bambini, ricette bimbi 1 anno, ricette buone, ricette bimbo 10 mesi, ricettine bimbi 9 mesi, ricette bambini 2 anni, bretzel ricetta di stella, ricette dolci, ricette dukan, ricette dietetiche, ricette estive, ricette facili, ricette facili e veloci, ricettine fresche, giunti ricette, ricette golose, ricette gustose, ricette gustose per bambini, ricette ine ine, la ricettina lunetta savino, ricette mellin, ricette natale, ricette natalizie, ricettine plasmon, ricette per bambini, ricette per bambini 12 mesi, ricette per lo svezzamento, ricettine per bimbi di 8 mesi, ricette per bimbi di un anno, ricettine per bimbi 12 mesi, ricette per bambini di 14 mesi, ricette per bimbi 9 mesi, ricettine per bambini 8 mesi, ricettine step by step, ricette svezzamento, ricette sfiziose salate, ricette semplici, ricette sapore di mare, ricette veloci e sfiziose, ricette sfiziose per bambini, ricettine sfiziose per bimbo inappetente, ricettine vecchio sito whirlpool, ricette veloci estive, ricette vegetariane, ricette vegane, ricette velocissime, ricette x bambini.

Pretty Property France
network Pretty Property France, The Villas in fisrt line. Welcome to the website of Pretty-property-france real estate agency. Our managers have a big experience in French agency activity. They know very well the needs of Russian clients and they are able to provide them European level services offering convenient and attractive conditions. We do not let you waste time, energies and money in searching of real estate affairs to rent or sell. Our experts will help you to estimate correctly properties - houses, apartments or villas €“ to sell from Monaco to Saint Tropez (including Cap Ferrat, Antibes, Cap d€™Antibes, Mougins, Nice, Cannes, Cote d€™Azur and more generally French Riviera and Southern France). You will sign the contract directly with the owner of the property on sale and you will not overpay. Your criterias will be our own criterias. We will give you our best, operating individual searches of a house, a flat, an apartment, a villa or a plot of land. Everything will be done and treat in a very transparent way: without hiding information and providing you all the sufficient elements to let you make the best choice in estimating the sale and rent of properties considering the actual market standards. Are you dreaming of having an apartment in the centre of Nice? Or a waterfront luxury villa? Nothing is impossible. Above all with our help! We can also organize all the operations of transaction to complete your business deal. The transaction will be managed in Russian and English languages. Further, if it is necessary, our agency will be able to help you to take care of your property, to pay bills and taxes and to look after the garden and the pool and, upon request, to lease your property.
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La mia Africa - Africa

La mia Africa - Africa 2017-06-28 00:29:07 - Profilo Itinerario Quota Destinazioni Africa - Kenya, Tanzania Durata 12 giorni Prezzo da A 1850 Periodo di validitae 01 Gennaio - 24 Dicembre Tipologia di viaggio Natura, Safari, Campeggio Un entusiasmante viaggio in Kenya e Tanzania, per ammirare i grandi predatori che popolano la savana, le mandrie di animali in movimento e lo spettacolo dei paesaggi della Great Rift Valley Si attraversano splendidi parchi, magnifiche riserve naturali e, tra villaggi e mercati, si incontra la popolazione masai Si viaggierae a bordo di un mezzo pesante altamente attrezzato per questo genere di viaggio, in compagnia di un piccolo gruppo di persone provenienti da tutto il mondo, condividendo diverse attivitae, tra le quali la preparazione dei pasti e il montaggio delle tende NOTA BENE per questo viaggio ao obbligatorio avere con sao il certificato di vaccinazione contro la febbre gialla Arrivo 1 giorno - Arrivo a Nairobi Trasferimento libero in hotel, check-in e tempo a disposizione per visite individuali della cittae o, su richiesta, escursioni organizzate Incontro con la guida e briefing pre-tour nel tardo pomeriggio a seguire cena in ristorante locale non inclusa Sistemazione Hotel La Mada - Trattamento solo pernottamento Great Rift Valley 2 giorno e Lasciando la cittae alle spalle si partirae per la Great Rift Valley, in direzione nord Si scalerae in auto fino alleUorlo della scarpata, dove sarae possibile godere di viste mozzafiato sulla valle In seguito si scenderae a valle per godere di altri magnifici paesaggi e per osservare la ricca avifauna presente Sistemazione campo tendato mobile - Trattamento prima colazione, pranzo e cena Lake Naivasha 3 giorno - Partenza per le splendide sponde del Lake Naivasha Dopo aver allestito il campo, tempo a disposizione per relax, per vedere gli ippopotami e godere degli spettacolari panorami Nel pomeriggio visita ad Elsamere, dove si trova la prima casa di Joy e George Adamson, i due famosi etologi guardiacaccia che divennero amici dei leoni, instaurando con loro uno straordinario rapporto di amicizia, in particolare con la leonessa Elsa Sistemazione campo tendato mobile - Trattamento prima colazione, pranzo e cena Masai Mara Game Reserve 4 giorno - Partenza per il Masai Mara, attraversando numerosi villaggi Masai lungo il percorso La popolazione Masai, costituita da tribaU semi nomadi, ao dedita alla pastorizia e il possesso del bestiame ao una necessitae sociale oltre che economica La Masai Mara Game Reserve confina con il Serengeti National Park, in Tanzania, ricopre una superficie di 1700 kmq ed ao attraversata dai fiumi Mara e Talek I paesaggi sono di notevole suggestione in estate ao teatro di grandi migrazioni di zebre, antilopi, gnu e gazzelle inseguite dai grandi predatori quali leoni, leopardi e ghepardi Sistemazione Mara River Lodge - Trattamento prima colazione, pranzo e cena 5 giorno - Giornata dedicata ai safari alleUinterno del parco, sulle tracce dei grandi predatori A pranzo gradevole picnic sulle rive del Mara River, popolato da coccodrilli ed ippopotami Sistemazione Mara River Lodge - Trattamento prima colazione, pranzo e cena Lake Victoria 6 giorno - Partenza per il celebre Lake Victoria, in Tanzania Il lago piaU grande del continente africano ao parte integrante della Great Rift Valley Ci sarae tempo per rilassarsi prima di cena, che si terrae in un ristorante locale non inclusa Sistemazione campo tendato mobile - Trattamento prima colazione e pranzo Serengeti National Park 7 giorno - Partenza per il grande Serengeti National Park, uno dei parchi naturali piaU famosi ed affascinanti del mondo Vasto quanto leUIrlanda del Nord, ospita circa 4 milioni di animali leopardi, leoni, elefanti, rinoceronti e molti altri Si attraverserae il parco da ovest ad est, tra safari avvincenti ed emozionanti Notte nei pressi di Seronera Sistemazione campo tendato mobile - Trattamento Prima colazione, pranzo e cena Ngorongoro Conservation Area 8 giorno - Dopo un coinvolgente safari mattutino nel Serengeti, partenza per il Ngorongoro Crater Si attraverserae la terra dei Masai, disseminata da tipiche capanne ovali e dai kraal, i recinti circolari di cespugli spinosi usati per gli armenti Sistemazione presso il Simba camp, sul bordo del cratere del vulcano la vista ao semplicemente mozzafiato Sistemazione campo tendato mobile - Trattamento Prima colazione, pranzo e cena 9 giorno - In mattinata si scenderae nel cratere, a bordo di veicoli 4x4, per uno dei safari piaU spettacolari La grande depressione, nata dallo sprofondamento di un cono vulcanico circa 3 milioni di anni fa, ao descritta come leUottava meraviglia del mondo si estende su uneUarea di oltre 160 km quadrati, circondata da scarpate di oltre 600 metri deUaltezza ao la piaU grande caldera intatta del mondo, habitat di oltre 25 mila specie di animali selvatici, la metae delle quali rappresentate da predatori e zebre Sistemazione campo tendato mobile - trattamento Prima colazione, pranzo e cena 10 giorno - Giornata dedicata alla visita di un tradizionale villaggio masai e dei suoi dintorni Sarae uneUoccasione unica e preziosa per avvicinarsi ai diversi aspetti delleUaffascinante cultura Masai, passeggiando fra la gente e i mercati Con un poeU di fortuna, si riuscirae ad assistere alle tradizionali danze Masai Sistemazione Campo tendato mobile-Trattamento Prima colazione, pranzo e cena Arusha 11 giorno - Partenza per Arusha, ai piedi del Mount Meru Si visiterae questa vivace cittae e i suoi colorati mercati Pranzo e cena liberi Sistemazione Campo tendato mobile- Trattamento Prima colazione Nairobi 12 giorno - Partenza per Nairobi possibilitae di shuttle transfer in aeroporto per coloro che desiderano ripartire da Arusha Si valicherae il confine rientrando in Kenya, attraversando un paesaggio di grande suggestione in lontananza si potrae scorgere la sagoma del mitico Kilimanjaro, la montagna piaU alta del continente africano Arrivo in aeroporto e imbarco sul volo di rientro o proseguimento per altra destinazione Questo viaggio puaI essere personalizzato aggiungendo estensioni mare prepost tour o prolungamenti in Uganda per realizzare un indimenticabile Gorilla Trekking Contatta i nostri Travel Designers per disegnare il tuo viaggio su misura e scoprire se sono in corso delle promozioni Partenze 2017Gennaio 7, 21Febbraio 4, 18Marzo 4, 18Aprile 1, 15, 29Maggio 13, 27Giugno 10, 24Luglio 8, 22Agosto 5, 19Settembre 2, 16, 30Ottobre 14, 28Novembre 11, 25Dicembre 9, 23 Quote valide fino al 31 dicembre 2017 da Eur 1850 a persona NB litinerario 2017 potrebbe subire delle variazioni Vi preghiamo di contattare i nostri Private Travel Designer per ulteriori informazioni NOTA BENE per questo viaggio ao obbligatorio avere con sao il certificato di vaccinazione contro la febbre gialla La quota comprende tour come da programma, pasti come da programma, guida parlante inglese La quota non comprende voli daper KenyaTanzania, tasse aeroportuali, visto dingresso in Kenya circa Usd 50 da pagare in loco in contanti e in Tanzania circa Usd 50 da pagare in loco in contanti, trasferimento dallaeroporto allhotel il giorno 1, assicurazione annullamento medico bagaglio, extra di carattere personale e tutto quanto non menzionato ne ela quota comprendee Volo daper KenyaTanzania escluso verrae proposta la miglior soluzione disponibile al momento della prenotazione Importante le quote di partecipazione sono aggiornate al momento della pubblicazione Contatta i nostri Travel Designers per verificare eventuali variazioni e scoprire se sono in corso delle promozioni Africa - 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La mia Africa - Africa
La mia Africa - Africa

La mia Africa - Africa

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Privacy - Socialtools

Privacy - Socialtools 2019-08-02 06:46:32 - The updated Privacy Policy will automatically come into effect for all existing users of services and, once in effect, your continued use of our services will be subject to this new Privacy Policy Privacy policy Your privacy is important to us This privacy statement explains What personal data is collected by the owner of this web site or provided by you, through our interactions with you and your use of our web site socialtoolsit, apps and software How your personal data will be used, where it is held, how long it will be kept and your rights Please read this privacy policy carefully Definitions and interpretation In this privacy, the following definitions are used Data controller means a person who either alone or jointly or in common with other persons determines the purposes for which and the manner in which any personal data are, or are to be, processed Data processor , in relation to personal data, means any person other than an employee of the data controller who processes the data on behalf of the data controller eYoue, eyoure or edata subjecte means - Visitors to our website - Subscribers to any service we offer through our site - Users of our applications - Prospective or existing clients corresponding with us by phone, e-mail or otherwise Data controller , ewee , euse and eouremeans Go Travel Un Limited, its subsidiaries and its data processors Personal data means any information relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified in particular by reference to an identifier This definition provides for a wide range of personal identifiers to constitute personal data, including name, identification number, location data or online identifier, reflecting changes in technology and the way organizations collect information about people The definition incorporates, where applicable, the definitions provided in General Data Protection Regulation CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy from time to time Please review this policy periodically for changes If you do not accept the amended Policy, please stop using this Website Who we are Identity of the data controller Go Travel Un Limited, a Hong Kong Corporation, number 1658681, having its registered office at Suite 1504, 15F, Chinachem Tower, 34-37 Connaught Rd Central, Hong Kong doing business as Travelpayouts, its subsidiaries and its data processors collectively referred to as Travelpayouts, who operate a number of web sites allowing you to search for airline tickets, hotel rooms, travel insurance and car rentals Personal data we may collect from you We may collect and process the following data and personal information about you Personal Data you provide us voluntarily We collect the information provided by you to operate effectively and provide you the best experiences with our Website, products and services You provide some of this information voluntarily, this includes information you provide if you subscribe to our newsletter, register to use the App, download or register the App, enter into any transaction on the App or the Website, send us a query or feedback, purchase goods via the Website, participate in discussion boards or other social media functions on our site, promotion or survey, or when you report a problem with our Website This information may include your Travel destination, travel dates, class and number of passengers, how many people will accompany you, your children ages WHAT INFORMATION WE DONeUT COLLECT ABOUT YOU Personally identifiable information We doneUt need and hence doneUt collect any of the following information about you your name, age, email address unless you subscribed to our email list or created an account on our web site, phone number, passport details, home address, etc Most information in our systems is non-personally identifiable, which means that even we caneUt match specific records to specific individuals, unless they signed up for an account In this case, we treat this information with utmost respect and care Order and payment information Because you pay to an airline, hotel or travel agency directly, we have no visibility of your order information, including, but not limited to specific ticket bought, price paid, credit card number, etc Children We do not offer any products or services for purchase by children If you are under 16, you may use our Website only with the involvement of your holder of parental responsibility We do not knowingly collect personal information from children below 16 without the consent of the childs holder of parental responsibility Information you provide about others In providing personal data about other individuals such as someone in whose name you are registering an account or subscribing to our marketing promotions, you represent that you have notified them of i the purposes for which information will be used ii the recipients of their 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Details of how you used our Website, such as your search queries Information about your visit, including the full Uniform Resource Locators URL clickstream to, through and from our site including date and time products you viewed or searched for page response times, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs, and methods used to browse away from the page Log information, such as error reports, download errors, any problems you experience using our web site and any phone number used to call our customer service number We do not match information collected automatically through cookies and analytics tools with other personally identifiable information you may have provided to us when you registered for our Products or submitted a form through our Website Socialtools - 2891
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Pretty Property France
• Pretty Property France, The Villas in fisrt line. Welcome to the website of Pretty-property-france real estate agency. Our managers have a big experience in French agency activity. They know very well the needs of Russian clients and they are able to provide them European level services offering convenient and attractive conditions. We do not let you waste time, energies and money in searching of real estate affairs to rent or sell. Our experts will help you to estimate correctly properties - houses, apartments or villas €“ to sell from Monaco to Saint Tropez (including Cap Ferrat, Antibes, Cap d€™Antibes, Mougins, Nice, Cannes, Cote d€™Azur and more generally French Riviera and Southern France). You will sign the contract directly with the owner of the property on sale and you will not overpay. Your criterias will be our own criterias. We will give you our best, operating individual searches of a house, a flat, an apartment, a villa or a plot of land. Everything will be done and treat in a very transparent way: without hiding information and providing you all the sufficient elements to let you make the best choice in estimating the sale and rent of properties considering the actual market standards. Are you dreaming of having an apartment in the centre of Nice? Or a waterfront luxury villa? Nothing is impossible. Above all with our help! We can also organize all the operations of transaction to complete your business deal. The transaction will be managed in Russian and English languages. Further, if it is necessary, our agency will be able to help you to take care of your property, to pay bills and taxes and to look after the garden and the pool and, upon request, to lease your property.
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Pretty Property France
network Pretty Property France, The Villas in fisrt line. Welcome to the website of Pretty-property-france real estate agency. Our managers have a big experience in French agency activity. They know very well the needs of Russian clients and they are able to provide them European level services offering convenient and attractive conditions. We do not let you waste time, energies and money in searching of real estate affairs to rent or sell. Our experts will help you to estimate correctly properties - houses, apartments or villas €“ to sell from Monaco to Saint Tropez (including Cap Ferrat, Antibes, Cap d€™Antibes, Mougins, Nice, Cannes, Cote d€™Azur and more generally French Riviera and Southern France). You will sign the contract directly with the owner of the property on sale and you will not overpay. Your criterias will be our own criterias. We will give you our best, operating individual searches of a house, a flat, an apartment, a villa or a plot of land. Everything will be done and treat in a very transparent way: without hiding information and providing you all the sufficient elements to let you make the best choice in estimating the sale and rent of properties considering the actual market standards. Are you dreaming of having an apartment in the centre of Nice? Or a waterfront luxury villa? Nothing is impossible. Above all with our help! We can also organize all the operations of transaction to complete your business deal. The transaction will be managed in Russian and English languages. Further, if it is necessary, our agency will be able to help you to take care of your property, to pay bills and taxes and to look after the garden and the pool and, upon request, to lease your property.
Megev +00 33 637 784 129 CapFerrat +33 7 58 30 28 14 RU +7 985 226 00 34 - CapFerrat - 06230 - Cote d\'Azur - France

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